
Late Pledge Store - Deep Regrets: An Unfortunate Fishing Game

Created by Judson Cowan

A game about reeling progressively more horrifying things out of the depths, managing your madness and pushing your luck at sea.

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1000% funded in under 24 hours. Thank you.
3 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 05:30:57 AM

Hello fellow anglers!

First up, everybody gather in for a big, salty, seaweed-covered group hug. You all helped this campaign reach 1000% funding in under 24 hours. That's honestly incredible to me.

There was so much positivity and buzz and interest leading up to the campaign, but my brain just kept telling me it would kind of break even and not make any waves. I'm still trying to convince my brain it can stop stressing out, but it's not listening. Yet. I think as the week rolls on, the launch chaos levels out, and the reality of the success sets in I'll come to peace with it a bit more and just be able to enjoy the ride!

Join me on Insta!

I've always been a Twitter/FB kinda guy but Twitter is such a dumpster fire these days I've taken the plunge and set up an Instagram! Like, just now! And this feels like the perfect opportunity to get a few followers! Go check me out!

Component improvements

I have a few "day one patch" announcements about component improvements that I want to share with you! There were a few things that were bothering me when playing with the prototype you've seen in the trailer and instructional video:

The madness tracker was hard to see at a distance and the cubes slid around on it too much. SO! I've scaled it up considerably and made it a double-layer board with recesses that hold the cubes in place! I don't have prototypes of this yet, but here's an idea of how it will compare:

I'll also be using the same blue and green fluorescent Pantone inks from the fish cards for the Fair and Foul columns, so they'll really pop off the sheet - but that's not something you can see in the on-screen graphics.

Players often forget they have the life preserver so I scaled it up. My aim is for it to be big enough you can twirl it around your finger so it's fun to play with and stays top of mind. The artwork in the prototype from the manufacturer is scaled incorrectly and running off the edge, but we've corrected that in the files and you can at least see the new scale comparison here!

Folks have noted that the tackle dice prints were too light to read on the wood, and I also spotted this in the prototype and have worked with the manufacturer to ensure the application of ink is thick enough that they're easy to see. I'm also going to darken the colors slightly to create adequate contrast with the wood. It was difficult to judge the correct colors the first go round, because I was unsure what tone the wood would have - this is why manufacturers prototypes are important! This is image from the manufacturer shows the corrected ink coverage but not the darkened ink colors:

It's currently too thin and the imprint on it is too shallow, I increased it from 15mm to 25mm in thickness and increased the imprint by a few mil. I want it to feel weighty, like a £2 coin. No visual to represent the difference yet, but soon!

What am I playing right now?

Folks that backed my previous projects know I like to end all my updates with a shout out to a game I'm enjoying at the moment or something upcoming I'm really excited about it, in hopes of introducing people to new games they might love! I'm going to start this campaign off with a repeat, but for good reason!

It's Terrorscape!
This asymmetrical slasher horror game pits a villain against a group of survivors. It's hidden movement, except it's the survivors that are hidden instead of the monster! Great fun, and look at that table presence! 🤩 A good friend went all in on their last Kickstarter so I've gotten to play with a bunch of the expansions and it's a grim joy trying out the different maps and villain types. The reason I bring up this particular game is that not only have I been playing a lot recently, it's returning to crowdfunding this week with new expansions! It's worth checking out for anyone interested in Deep Regrets, since they share a horror theme and light-to-midweight complexity. If your wallet can withstand the assault, that is. I don't know the folks making it, I just admire them!

That's all for now, see you folks in the next update!
- Judson 🖤